Wednesday, 6 January 2010

Let me introduce myself.


My name is Leanne and as you can guess I'm a mum of three beautiful little girls. I have no clue as to why i wanted to write a blog???? Who says my life is going to be of interest to anyone out there in the big wide world? I need a sense of achievement as you will see from my blogs because as my life runs at the moment it just seems monotonous.

I'm 27 years old and feel like someones mum and not my own person. I guess i would like to be related to or i would like for someone to say "Thank you, you have made me realise I'm not the only one out there that feels this way after having children".

I really hope that if there is anyone reading my blog they will like it and carry on reading until i feel i have accomplished what i set out to do.

Much love Leanne x


  1. What a good idea, it allows me to follow your day and see what my beautiful grandaughters are doing, well done.

  2. I know how you feel, I felt exactly the same about just being a mum and found that when my eldest started school and my other little man was approaching the pre-school age that going back to work was a viable option. I hated the idea at first, but now I have never been happier, my company are so flexible its brilliant, I still attend all school plays, assemblies, drop off at school some mornings (my hubby does the other mornings and he loves it!), pick up a few times a week, and best of all, once I step through the office door, I am me again, not just a mum.


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